Use the registration links below.
Every child must have a Yearly Membership in order to participate in activities.
Inspire Girls Clinics provide a dynamic and empowering space for girls to build confidence, develop skills, and foster teamwork through sports, arts & crafts, and culinary activities. Basketball Clinic: Runs Sundays from 10 AM- 3 PM until March 2nd Volleyball Clinic: Begins Saturday, April 14th, running 9 AM-3 PM
Inspire Girls Volleyball
Summer @ Taft
Summer @ Taft
(Scholarship-Based 2 recipients)
Our Overnight Program is an exclusive opportunity for two scholarship recipients entering grades 7 and 8. This immersive experience is ideal for students looking to deepen their engagement and independence. Plan to arrive on Saturday, June 28, 2025, and classes start on Monday, June 30 - Friday, August 1, 2025, depart by noon.
Our Day Program is designed for students entering grades 5, 6, and 7. This program offers enriching activities, academic support, physical activity, and creative exploration. (Accpeting 50-60 students) June 30 — July 25, 2025, Monday through Friday 8:30am-12:15pm .Orientation for families and students will be held on Monday, June 23 at 6 p.m. in The Taft School Choral Room.
Online app for day program
Summer @ Taft
Waterbury PAL is pleased to offer the Summer Enrichment Academy at the Taft School in 2025. This program is free of charge to PAL members who are residents of Waterbury, a child of a Waterbury Police Office, or a child of an employee of the Taft School. It is open to students currently in grades 5, 6, and 7. The Taft-PAL Summer Enrichment Academy (rising 6th – 8th graders)
Only 2 Slots available Our Overnight Program is an exclusive opportunity for two scholarship recipients entering grades 7 and 8. This immersive experience is ideal for students looking to deepen their engagement and independence. Plan to arrive on Saturday, June 28, 2025, and classes start on Monday, June 30 - Friday, August 1, 2025, depart by noon.
PAL is a not-for-profit organization which promotes partnerships between youth, law enforcement and the community through educational, athletic, and recreational programs designed to encourage team building and foster positive relationships.
This is done through programs that emphasize education and learning, as well as participation in sports and activities. The goal of PAL is to enable all young people, regardless of race, religion, income or handicap, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
"Today's Youth-Tomorrow's Leaders"
“Every child deserves an opportunity to realize their potential. It is amazing to watch these kids grow, learn, and develop confidence. They are the leaders of tomorrow. We are challenging you the members of this community to support our future leaders,”
Neil M. O’Leary, Mayor, City of Waterbury